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my Athens 2012

A participatory art project by ΜουSου*


The project “My Athens” elaborated on the coexistence of several social groups living or visiting the city of Athens and is realized with their contribution. The participants were invited to answer the question, “If your Athens was colour, shape, line, word, how and what would it be?” and to illustrate their ideas on the half of a specifically designed postcard. The illustration could be anything the participants want: a selected colour, a line, a depicted memory or experience of the city, and some written text or short story. The other half of the postcard is completed by another participant, such as a student, tourist, immigrant, or exhibition visitor.


The MoυSoυ team met the participants at archaeological sites, elementary school classes, El. Venizelos airport, a volleyball team court, and a senior's house. At the same time, some of the cards were posted to the participants, while the visitors of Technohoros art gallery could also take part, illustrating their ideas on the cards during the exhibition.


The project aims to create a common platform for dialogue among Athens residents and visitors, focusing on their experiences in the city.


The MoυSoυ team consists of Maria Nymfiadi and Lea Petrou, both visual artists who plan and organise participatory art projects, often related to the educational process.

For more information, images of the process and completed postcards, please visit the website


"my Athens" was exhibited at Technohoros Art Gallery, Athens, from 13.06.12 till 28.07.12.


* Moυ, Soυ in the Greek language are personal/possessive pronouns 1st and 2nd person singular, translated Moυ is me/my, Soυ is you/your

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